900 Mulberry St

Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 461-9897

Des Moines | IA

Addiction is a disease that can be treated at an addiction treatment facility in Des Moines, Iowa. This Paxton Recovery drug detox clinic provides essential care and safety that is needed for clients to transition to a life free of drugs. Recovery can be a difficult process, which is why it is best for an individual seeks help from a substance abuse treatment facility in Des Moines. Although the decision to get help is significant, so is the decision to pick a substance abuse treatment facility in Des Moines that provides the necessary care for an individual to successfully recover. With a reputable Paxton Recovery addiction center, an individual will increase his or her chances of leading to a life free of drugs.


One of the most influential factors of a successful recovery is an individualized treatment program. Addiction is a disease that millions of individuals in the United States share, but the reasons why the addiction developed are different. A standard treatment plan for addiction wouldn’t effectively treat everyone with the problem, that’s why individualized treatment plans are crucial for recovery. Paxton Recovery considers clients past situation and currents needs to develop an individualized treatment plan structured to meet the needs of the individual, which will greatly increase the chances of an easy recovery.


When they develop individualized treatment programs at a Des Moines drug rehab facility, they use a process that includes intake, detox, therapy, and aftercare. An addiction treatment center in Des Moines focuses on understanding a client’s past and using it to design a personalized treatment program. Intake can be uncomfortable for some, but it is a vital step in the rehabilitation process.


Another factor that greatly influences addiction recovery is dual diagnosis mental health treatment. An addiction treatment facility in Des Moines offers dual diagnosis treatment as a preferred option because it treats those with co-occurring disorders. A co-occurring disorder, which is also known as dual diagnosis, is when an individual has a mental health issue and an addiction at the same time. A dual diagnosis treatment program helps clients learn about their condition and use methods to overcome triggers that lead to drug abuse. When an individual has a co-occurring disorder, and only one condition is treated, that may lead to relapse.


Monitored detox is also an important part of the rehabilitation process. Supervised detox allows clients to expel any remaining toxins left from drug use out of their bodies in a safe manner. When an individual attempts to go through detox without help from a Des Moines substance abuse facility, it could lead to relapse when the withdraw symptoms become extreme. Staff understands the detoxification process and provides continuous support for clients in this stage of the rehabilitation process.


The addition therapy programs at an addiction recovery facility in Des Moines provide clients with personal and group therapy sessions. An addiction treatment center in Des Moines is based on providing clients with the most-up-to-date techniques to overcome addiction while incorporating these techniques into individual and group therapy sessions. In addition, group therapy is a great way for clients to connect and share their experiences with addiction. Clients work to provide ongoing support and motivation to one another.


Although inpatient and outpatient treatment programs are only designed to last a certain amount of time, aftercare will help you extend treatment beyond inpatient and outpatient treatment. Paxton Recovery drug rehab centers offer aftercare programs that are essential for those who have conquered addiction because they provide continuous support and education. Aftercare programs teach individuals how to handle stress and triggers in their day to day lives. At a drug rehab center in Des Moines, Iowa, they are committed to providing clients with supportive and caring aftercare programs that help clients continue lead a life free of addiction. An addiction recovery program that offers aftercare will increase the chances of long-term recovery.

  • (515) 461-9897

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